NeuroCareAI Integration Request Form
NeuroCareAI, in collaboration with the Institute of Health Innovation and Education, a US-based non-profit organization, will provide the following modules free of charge to low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). This project aims to revolutionize hyperacute stroke care in LMICs and bridge the digital divide that has caused significant health inequality. We are currently integrating in Pakistan and will soon expand to Bangladesh, India, and the Philippines, with plans to continue expanding globally.
NeuroICH is a computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) module designed to detect brain bleeds in Adult CT brain scans using AI/ML technology.
Intended Use: The tool is intended to aid in hyperacute stroke care, where fast interpretation of CT brain images is crucial for providing time-sensitive care for both hemorrhagic and ischemic strokes.
Benefit: The use of NeuroICH can significantly improve patient outcomes by saving time in the diagnosis and treatment of brain bleeds.
Cost and Availability: Currently, we offer free access to NeuroICH and will bear cloud costs for one year. In the future, we plan to work with non-profit organizations to keep it free for all, especially those in low- and middle-income countries.
In addition, the project includes RadioView, a state-of-the-art radiology viewer that allows clinicians to access images remotely.
Compliance with Local Laws and Regulations
- The Client undertakes to comply with all relevant federal and state/provincial level legislations pertaining to the implementation and usage of the Services including but not limited to any restrictions on the use of artificial intelligence, such as those requiring government approvals. Failure to adhere to such laws or regulations may result in jurisdictional penalties, for which the Client shall bear sole responsibility.